The Dose Journal

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What Are Natural Remedies for Muscle Discomfort?
Muscle discomfort — sounds like just another Tuesday after your first day back at the gym, right? At Daily Dose, we know there’s more to the story.  Those aches and tightness weaving through your muscles are not just reminders of...
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What To Know About LDL Cholesterol
Blood cholesterol might just be one of the most misunderstood substances flowing through our veins. It’s often cast as the villain in the story of heart health, but what if we told you it’s a bit more complex than that? ...
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Health Benefits of Licorice Root
Beyond its sweetness, licorice root is full of potential wellness benefits.  Interested in discovering more? Your friends here at Daily Dose have your back. Read on as we uncover the wonders of this star ingredient.  What Is Licorice Root, and...
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What Are the Health Benefits of Pomegranate?
Pomegranate fruits are not just about their looks or the burst of tart sweetness they bring to your palate. At Daily Dose, we're big fans of how this fruit packs a punch, overflowing with a range of health benefits that...
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What Are the Benefits of Chamomile?
Ever wondered why chamomile tea is the go-to remedy when you need to turn down the day's buzz and ease into a state of calm? Well, there’s more to this humble herb than just a bedtime ritual. At Daily Dose,...
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10 Foods That Boost the Immune System
In a world brimming with quick fixes and health fads, it’s easy to overlook the power of simple, everyday foods in bolstering our health.  At Daily Dose, we're all about going back to the basics, particularly when it comes to...
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How To Boost Immune System Naturally
Let's face it, staying healthy feels like a full-time job these days! With health tips flying left and right, it can be tricky to sift through what really works, especially when it comes to boosting your immune system naturally.  Here...
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13 of the Best Herbs for Skincare
Welcome to the world of Daily Dose, where we believe in the power of plants to pave the path to your skin's best health. In the quest for flawless skin, many turn to complicated chemicals, but what if the secret...
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Does High Cholesterol Make You Tired?
Have you ever felt unusually tired and wondered if it could be linked to something deeper? While cholesterol levels might not be the first thing we associate with exhaustion, their connection might be more significant than we realize.  Let’s dive...
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How To Support Healthy Liver Enzymes (ATL Levels)
At Dose Daily, we believe in nurturing the body’s natural rhythms and processes, especially when it comes to liver health. Your liver is a silent workhorse, filtering every substance that enters your body. But what happens when this vital organ...
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Can Stress Cause High Cholesterol?
Does the pressure of back-to-back meetings and an endless to-do list feel like it’s doing more than just frying your nerves? What if they're also nudging your cholesterol in the wrong direction?  At Dose, we believe in connecting the dots...
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Can Cholesterol Be Too Low?
Is there such a thing as too little cholesterol? You read that right: not too much, but too little. When the mantra "lower is better" often dominates discussions about cholesterol, it's important to remember that balance is key. Just as...
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High Cholesterol Symptoms: What To Know
When it comes to heart health, the term "high cholesterol" often surfaces, surrounded by concerns and confusion. So, what exactly does it mean to have high blood cholesterol, and what are the symptoms?  In this article, we delve into the...
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Turmeric and Curcumin Health Benefits
Ever wondered why some natural supplements keep popping up in your feed, praised by wellness enthusiasts and healthcare gurus? Enter turmeric and curcumin, the dynamic duo lighting up the health scene.  While these terms often bubble up in conversations about...
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Cholesterol Myths and Facts
Cholesterol often steals the spotlight in health discussions — usually cast as the bad guy in stories about heart health. But what if there’s more to the story? Let’s talk about the essential role cholesterol plays in our bodies. By...
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5 Zinc Benefits and Why You Need It in Your Diet
In the world of nutrition, there are plenty of different vitamins and minerals that play a key role in your bodily processes — and zinc is one of the most important nutrients on your plate.  In this article, we’re diving into...
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9 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin
Aloe vera is a powerhouse of benefits packed into a humble succulent. Known for its thick, fleshy leaves that conceal a gel-like substance within, aloe vera has been revered through the ages not just for its distinctive appearance but for...
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Ginger Nutrition Facts & Benefits
For centuries, ginger has captivated taste buds and healed the bodies of countless people across the globe.  From spicing culinary delights to bolstering wellness routines, ginger holds a place of honor in kitchens and medicine cabinets. Dive with us into...
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The Diverse Benefits of Ginger: A Comprehensive Overview
At Daily Dose, we’re always looking for ingredients that do more than just taste good — they have to pack a healthful punch, too. Ginger fits this bill perfectly, weaving a rich tapestry of flavor and benefits into every slice. ...
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How Does Diet Affect Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is often the villain in health stories, but what if we told you that cholesterol isn't just a bad guy lurking in your bloodstream? Cholesterol plays several essential roles in your body, from building cells to producing vital hormones....
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Do Health Supplements Work?
Welcome to the vibrant world of wellness where every bottle, capsule, and drop promises a step towards a healthier you.  At Daily Dose, we’re about blending the right, scientifically backed ingredients that truly benefit your wellness journey. Dive into this...
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Blessed Thistle vs. Milk Thistle: What's the Difference?
At Dose, we're all about diving into the details of what makes our wellness shots work so well — but beyond our own products, we're huge advocates for understanding all the good stuff that nature offers, especially when it comes...
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Does Turmeric Lower Blood Pressure? What To Know
Turmeric, with its rich, golden hue and a history rooted deep in traditional medicine, has surged in popularity as a modern wellness hero. At Dose, we're all about diving into the science behind nature's wonders. So, let's explore the potential...
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9 Benefits of a Healthy Liver
Have you ever wondered what it takes to feel consistently energized with smooth digestion and a balanced body? At Daily Dose, we believe it all starts with your liver — a powerhouse organ that tirelessly filters out unwanted elements and...
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When Is the Best Time To Take Liver Supplements?
The liver is a vital organ that performs over 500 functions essential to overall health. These include detoxifying harmful substances, producing bile to aid in digestion, and storing essential nutrients. A healthy liver is crucial for maintaining energy levels, ensuring...
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How Long Does Turmeric Take To Work?
Turmeric has been hailed as a wonder spice for centuries, celebrated for its vibrant color and potent benefits. So, how long does it actually take to see results?  Whether you’re sipping it in a golden latte, adding it to your...
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5 Proven Benefits of Milk Thistle for Skin
Often overshadowed by more mainstream ingredients, the milk thistle plant is stepping into the spotlight for its intriguing benefits for skin health.  Here at Dose, we’re all about digging into nature’s treasure chest to bring you the golden nuggets of...
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Tudca vs. Milk Thistle: Which Is Best for You?
Today at Dose, we're shining a spotlight on two standout supplements that spark a lot of curiosity and conversation: tudca and milk thistle.  Each plays a unique role in supporting our body's well-being, especially where it counts — the liver....
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What To Drink After a Meal To Aid Digestion
Digestion is a vital process that your body undertakes every time you eat, converting food into essential nutrients that fuel your body — but sometimes, your digestive system needs a little extra support. Fortunately, there are many different ways that...
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How Long Does It Take To Lower Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is an often misunderstood but essential aspect of our overall health. This waxy lipid that’s found in our blood plays several key roles that help ensure our bodies are functioning properly. However, when cholesterol levels start to get too...
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Turmeric Dosage: How Much Should You Take Per Day?
Turmeric is a vibrant golden spice that's been a mainstay in Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Today, thanks to its potent benefits, it has found its place in the spotlight in health and wellness circles around the globe....
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Can My Cholesterol Be Too Low?
When it comes to cholesterol, most conversations and concerns are centered around high levels. This is understandable, given the widely recognized increased risks of severe medical conditions associated with high cholesterol.  However, the pendulum can swing the other way too....
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What Are the Benefits of Juicing?
Juicing has taken the wellness industry by storm, and it's not hard to see why. This popular practice allows you to consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in a single, convenient drink. It’s an easy way to provide...
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10 Health Benefits of Milk Thistle
Few ingredients have gained as much recognition and popularity in the realm of natural health and wellness as milk thistle. This potent plant, known for its unique properties and beneficial compounds, has become a staple in many health-conscious individuals' routines. ...
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12 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger
The power of natural ingredients cannot be overstated in the pursuit of health and wellness.  Mother Nature has bestowed us with a plethora of herbs and spices that not only add flavor to our meals but also play a significant...
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10 Natural Remedies for Indigestion
Indigestion is a common medical condition that affects roughly 25% of Americans each year and can severely disrupt your daily routine. The challenging thing about this particular gastrointestinal issue is that there is a wide range of potential causes.  However,...
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8 Natural Ways To Support Your Cholesterol
Cholesterol is often misunderstood. While having high levels can certainly increase the risk of certain health conditions, cholesterol can be found in every single one of your cells and has several essential roles in the body.  The key is to...
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7 Science-Backed Ways To Boost Energy
Energy powers us through our workdays, fuels our workouts, and enables us to enjoy our leisure time — but in today's fast-paced world, maintaining consistent energy levels can be a challenge.  With the demands of work, family, and personal commitments,...
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11 Easy Ways To Add Turmeric to Your Diet
Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice, has been a staple in traditional medicine for centuries. It's known for its powerful active compound, curcumin, which is rich in antioxidants and supports a healthy immune response.  Adding turmeric to your daily diet can...
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8 Foods That Support Your Cholesterol
Our bodies need a steady supply of cholesterol to function properly — but too much of it is a major risk factor for various forms of cardiovascular disease.  One way to promote healthy cholesterol levels is to be mindful of...
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How Much Cholesterol Should You Have Per Day?
Although very often misunderstood, cholesterol is a vital substance in our bodies. It's a waxy, fatty substance that serves a multitude of functions within your body.  However, like many things in life, balance is key. While you need a certain...
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"How Are You Doing?" The Importance of Checking in With Yourself
When was the last time you checked in with yourself? The last time you stopped to ask, “how am I?” If it’s longer than you’d care to admit, know that you’re not alone. Too often, we get so busy and...
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How to Strengthen Your Immune System: 5 Simple and Natural Solutions
Immune health is always a valuable asset, but it’s of utmost importance right now in light of the spread of COVID-19. Despite this, many of us are struggling to find the motivation to take care of ourselves. According to the...
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Echinacea vs. Elderberry for Fighting Infections and Improving Health
What is Echinacea? Echinacea – also sometimes referred to as the purple coneflower or the pale coneflower – is a flowering plant most commonly grown in the U.S. and Canada. It can grow up to two feet tall and produces...
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Top 3 Benefits of Using Vegan Skin Care – Even If You're Not Vegan
Veganism has moved past just being a niche trend; it’s officially mainstream. And, it seems to be a lifestyle choice that’s here to stay. While your mind may immediately go to a bowl of rainbow-colored fruit or a glass of...
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What is the Best Way to Naturally Increase Collagen For Your Skin?
Collagen is one of the hottest topics in the beauty and wellness world. Its rumble has resulted in a flood of new products infused with buzzy ingredients promising to boost levels - everything from powders and pills to gummy bears...
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Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome: What Is It and Best Treatment Options
If you’re someone who’s active and likes to move your body in challenging ways, you’re probably familiar with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Even if that term has you scratching your head, chances are, you’ve unknowingly experienced it without having...
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Liver care

Does Milk Thistle Help Your Liver?
The journey towards achieving balance and wellness is a daily pursuit, often guided by the potent gifts of nature. Among these gifts, milk thistle stands out as a humble yet powerful plant that’s been used for centuries as an herbal...
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What To Know About Liver Health Supplements for Digestion and Bloating
Digestive issues are a common concern that significantly affects the daily lives of millions of Americans. Whether it's general discomfort after a meal or persistent bloating that just won't go away, these issues can be frustrating. Believe it or not,...
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The 10 Best Herbs for Liver Health
As a vital organ performing up to 500 functions daily, the liver is easily one of the most important organs for our overall health and well-being. Fortunately, there are many natural ingredients that can support it.  Herbs have a long...
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9 Health Benefits of Dandelions
Dandelions, those bright yellow flowers that you often see dotting lawns and meadows, are more than just common garden weeds. They're actually highly nutritious medicinal plants that can support several essential systems within your body. The positive effects of dandelion...
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What Are the Benefits of Turmeric Shots?
Turmeric, with its vibrant golden hue and a long-standing reputation in wellness circles, has been a cornerstone of traditional health practices for centuries. Known for its potent natural properties, turmeric has been used to support various aspects of health and...
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When To Take Milk Thistle: Morning or Night?
Milk thistle, a natural herb known for its potent liver-supporting properties, has been used as a traditional herbal medicine for centuries. It's a key player in our Dose For Your Liver shots, chosen for its ability to support healthy liver...
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How Does Drinking Water Support Your Liver Health?
You probably don’t think about your liver too often, but it’s even more remarkable than you know. As the largest internal organ in your body, your liver has an extremely busy schedule performing up to 500 different functions every single...
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7 Worst Foods for Your Liver
The liver is one of the most important organs in your body, as it plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. Your liver depends on you to provide it with the nutrients that it needs to function...
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How To Improve Overall Liver Health
The liver is nothing short of a superstar in our body's daily performance. As a powerhouse organ, it juggles up to 500 functions daily, influencing many essential aspects of our health. From energy production to aiding digestion, the liver is...
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15 Foods That Are Good for Your Liver
The liver is nothing short of a marvel. Every day, your liver performs up to 500 different functions, with many of them being crucial to your survival. Since the liver is constantly working behind the scenes to support your overall...
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Supplements for Liver Health: Do They Work?
Your liver performs up to 500 functions every day, without ever asking for anything in return. But, just like any hardworking machine, it needs the right fuel to function optimally. That's where liver-supporting supplements come in. Here at Dose, we're...
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8 Signs of an Overworked Liver
Your liver is a real workhorse. As one of the most vital organs in your body, the liver performs more than 500 functions daily. It's like a super-efficient factory that's always on the go, helping with digestion, energy production, and...
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How to Design a Regimen to Support Your Excess Liver Fat
Nearly 30% of Americans have excess liver fat. Critically, that number is rising every day. Despite the prevalence of widespread liver damage, issues are commonly ignored until the very last minute. As a result, people rarely take proactive measures into...
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How to Support Your Liver Through Lifestyle Intervention
The risks associated with poor liver health are not only urgent, but life-altering. When the liver is in a poor state and enzymes are elevated, your body’s end-to-end filtering mechanism for unwanted elements is put on pause, indefinitely.  That image...
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Why Turmeric Is the Superstar Ingredient for Liver Cleansing and Longevity
A millennia-old staple of Indian cuisine and traditional (Ayurvedic) healing practices, turmeric benefits your liver in ways that satisfy both camps, old and new. In order to best appreciate the health benefits of turmeric and apply them to your own...
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5 Scientifically Proven Liver Cleansing Foods
The liver is a powerhouse organ. It’s the body’s main detoxifier and is in charge of filtering blood coming from the digestive tract and getting rid of harmful, unwanted substances. The liver also has many other functions, however. Hundreds of...
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