How to Design a Regimen to Support Your Excess Liver Fat
Nearly 30% of Americans have excess liver fat. Critically, that number is rising every day.
Despite the prevalence of widespread liver damage, issues are commonly ignored until the very last minute. As a result, people rarely take proactive measures into their own hands. If you’re not taking action today, you might be unintentionally turning a blind eye to your liver health.
To make matters worse, the accumulating debt of simple excess liver fat damage over time breeds additional downstream issues like low energy, poor digestion, and ongoing discomfort.
Simple liver fat buildup can go entirely undetected for years on end. Then, in a matter of weeks, patients suddenly require external support for their liver to even function.
Simple excess liver fat damage is omnipresent, but people rarely notice until it’s too late. At Dose, we’re here to help you support your liver and take back ownership over your health.
Why does your liver matter?
The liver is the largest solid organ in your body and carries out more than 500 roles every day, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and digestion, to name just a few.
Everything that goes through your body has to first filter through the liver. In other words, you can almost think of your liver as a gatekeeper to the rest of your body’s core functions.
The liver’s primary functions span end-to-end filtering of the entire digestive system, whether that’s helping to expel unwanted elements or breaking down foods and liquids into nutrients. When your liver is in good shape, it flushes out potentially harmful unwanted elements while also ensuring that food is processed correctly and healthy glucose levels are consistently maintained.
As you age, liver enzyme imbalances can reach dangerous levels. And, the older you get, the more your liver becomes essential for optimal bodily functions like energy and digestion.
More often than not, these issues manifest as simple excess liver fat damage, or the condition of extra fat buildup around the liver. Simple excess liver fat issues are often linked with even more serious issues like the inability to process sugars, fat build-up and an increased risk of poor heart health.
As a result, it’s critical to address liver damage early on before it can get more serious.
What are the most common offenders?
The best place to start is by removing common culprits that contribute to fat buildup.
A poor diet is often the most damaging offender, caused by the over intake of fried and fatty foods. Sugary foods and drinks are also major contributors to the problem. We recommend eliminating culprits like burgers, fries, soda, and dessert from your diet entirely.
It’s equally important to monitor, and in most cases, reduce your overall unhealthy beverage intake, whether it’s a few too many beers on the weekend or one too many glasses of wine at dinner each night.
It’s important to note here that healthy habits take time to get right, and you won’t always make the perfect dietary choices. That’s okay, we’re all human.
What’s important is getting started on the right track. And, over time, your good choices will add up and begin to yield positive results.

The most effective ways to take action.
Once you’ve diagnosed potential root causes and addressed common offenders, be that an unhealthy diet, allopathic interventions, or frequent unhealthy beverage use, we’ve seen patients reach enormous health breakthroughs through the daily use of high-potency natural herbs.
Just as you’d prefer that your car’s oil filter is clean and well-maintained, you’d want to depend on your liver to support your body’s detoxification processes. When a variety of unwanted elements enters a poorly maintained liver, your body may have issues functioning properly.
As a next step, we recommend seeking out clinically-backed remedies like curcumin, milk thistle, dandelion, and ginger, specifically those that have been optimized for active ingredients.
For example, curcumin is commonly used in herbal remedies due to its ability to support the liver through detoxification, while also helping improve brain function and promoting healthy liver metabolism. However, high-grade organic curcumin, which is the main bioactive form of turmeric extract and has multiple times more absorption in the body than standard curcumin, is unfortunately used by only a tiny percentage of herbal remedy producers around the world.
Apart from curcumin, silymarin (one of the strong liver protective natural compounds derived from milk thistle extract) and dandelion extract are both observed to have strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and liver protective properties. These three ingredients working in tandem give the liver the crucial protection that it needs.
To improve the liver’s sluggish digestive function, ginger is one of the best and most efficient options. It helps the production of digestive enzymes in the liver and ensures the restoration of hampered digestion commonly caused by a poorly-functioning liver. Thus, one has to make sure that their liver supplement blend is perfectly balanced and rigorously scientifically tested.
However, it’s important to point out that most herbal remedies on the market lack the sufficient dosage of bioactive ingredients. As a result, it’s critical that you check the label of the product, dive into the background of the science, and rigorously analyze the quality of formulation.
To make matters worse, most natural remedies are chock full of unnecessary sweeteners and sugars to make their products more palatable. In addition to evaluating ingredient efficacy and potency, we strongly recommend seeking out organic labels with zero sugar and zero calories.
As you evaluate herbal remedy options, look for clinical-grade products that ensure optimal liver function by both cleansing unwanted elements while increasing the flow of bile in your liver. Moreover, it’s key that customers find companies that optimize for clear, trackable, outcome-driven results.
Dose was founded on the idea that the best products are driven by intense research, meticulous testing, and continuous innovation to discover optimal bioavailability levels. As a result, our team strongly recommends investing the time to find a product that was built by excess liver fat specialists with a deep focus on rigorous scientific testing and expert formulation.
Build a routine that works with your lifestyle.
When it comes to natural remedies, the key benefits are high efficacy and clinical-grade potency without the side effects of allopathic interventions. But, the process will take longer than a quick fix.
Sure, a short-term 30-day detox might sound like the easy route, but it’s not a sustainable solution. At Dose, we’re here to help guide you through this process, alongside a community of folks that understand what it takes to drive long-last results for your liver.
As a result, it’s important to develop a healthy, habitual dosage routine that will help you reap the full benefits of herbal remedies that accumulate in your liver through consistent use.
At Dose, we’re here to help you do exactly this. Our origin is rooted in India, where our product is formulated by teams of scientists with over 15 years of specialist experience in liver health.
Our underlying focus is around highly-targeted solutions that deliver results, full stop. If you want to fix your excess liver fat with a daily habit that works, learn more about the Dose way here.