8 Signs of an Overworked Liver

8 Signs of an Overworked Liver

Your liver is a real workhorse. As one of the most vital organs in your body, the liver performs more than 500 functions daily. It's like a super-efficient factory that's always on the go, helping with digestion, energy production, and filtering your body's filtration process.

With so many crucial responsibilities, the liver can sometimes get overwhelmed and overworked. The consequences of the liver being in this state can be very serious and have long-lasting effects on your overall health and wellness. For that reason, it’s essential to support your liver health.

Before we get into how you can improve your liver health, let’s take a close look at some of the signs that indicate an overworked liver. 

What Does an Overworked Liver Mean?

The liver is constantly working within the body and performing hundreds of tasks that keep it running smoothly. While an overworked liver can still do its job, it will experience a lot of strain and won’t be as efficient as it should be. 

An overworked liver can have far-reaching implications for your overall health. When a liver is being overworked, it can result in a build-up of fat that can affect its overall functioning. An impaired liver can have serious consequences, so it’s essential to recognize the signs of an overworked liver and make a few changes to offer it some support. 

The Top 8 Signs of an Overworked Liver

The liver is capable of working just as hard as any other organ in your body. But sometimes you might be asking too much of your liver, and it can start to be overwhelmed. If you’re experiencing some of the following signs of an overworked liver, it might be time to consider a few lifestyle changes to offer it some support:

1. Fatigue and Weakness

One of the primary signs of an overworked liver is a persistent feeling of fatigue and weakness. Your liver plays a crucial role in energy production as it helps to convert the nutrients from your food into energy that your body can use. 

When your liver is overworked, it can struggle to perform this function efficiently, leading to frequent feelings of fatigue and weakness. If you're constantly feeling tired and weak, then it could be a sign that your liver needs some support.

2. Digestive Issues

The liver plays a key role in your digestive system, as it’s responsible for producing bile. This substance is crucial for digestion as it helps break down fats and absorb nutrients from your food. 

If your liver is overworked, it may not be producing enough bile, which can lead to digestive issues like bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. If you're experiencing persistent digestive issues, then it could be a sign that your liver is under strain.

3. Changes in Skin Color

Your liver's health can also affect your skin color. One of the liver's many functions is to break down old or damaged blood cells. If your liver is overworked, it may struggle to perform this important function.

As a result, it’s possible to develop a build-up of bilirubin, a yellowish substance that’s produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. This buildup can cause your skin and the whites of your eyes to appear yellow, a medical condition known as jaundice. If you notice any changes in your skin color, then it's important to seek medical advice, as it could be a sign of an overworked liver.

4. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is another sign of an overworked liver. Your liver is located in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen. 

When your liver is strained, you might start to experience discomfort or pain in this area. This is because an overworked liver can become enlarged or inflamed, causing a dull or aching pain that's often felt in the upper right part of your abdomen.

It's important to note that liver-related pain can sometimes be mistaken for other conditions, such as gallstones or gastritis. The pain associated with an overworked liver is usually persistent and may even intensify after a meal. If you're experiencing consistent abdominal pain, it's essential to seek medical advice to identify the cause.

5. Unexpected Weight Changes

Your liver plays a crucial role in how your body processes and uses nutrients, which can affect your weight. When your liver is overworked, it may struggle to process nutrients efficiently, leading to unexpected weight changes. For instance, you may experience unexplained weight loss due to malabsorption of nutrients or weight gain due to a slowdown in your body's natural filtration process.

Remember, your liver is key to maintaining a healthy balance in your body. If you're noticing unexpected changes in your weight, it could be a sign that your liver is under strain and needs some support.

6. Mood and Cognitive Changes

Your liver and brain interact in several ways to ensure that your brain is functioning properly. The liver not only helps to supply essential nutrients to the brain, but also helps to remove unwanted elements that can impair brain function. 

When your liver is overworked, it may not be able to filter these elements as effectively, which can lead to mood swings, confusion, difficulty concentrating, or even problems with memory. 

It's important to understand that these changes are not just "in your head." They can be a sign of an overworked liver. If you're noticing persistent changes in your mood or cognitive function, it's essential to seek medical advice.

7. Altered Sense of Smell

An altered sense of smell can also be a sign of an overworked liver. Your liver plays a role in processing the chemicals that contribute to your sense of smell. If your liver is strained, it may not be able to process these chemicals effectively, leading to changes in your sense of smell.

This can manifest in different ways. You may find that certain smells are stronger or more unpleasant than before, or you may have difficulty identifying specific smells. If you're noticing changes in your sense of smell, it could be a sign that your liver is overworked and needs some support.

8. More Frequent Illnesses

Your liver plays a crucial role in your body's immune response. It helps produce various proteins that assist the immune response and remove harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, or other foreign substances that enter the liver. However, when your liver is overworked, it may struggle to perform these functions effectively. 

This can lead to a poor immune response within the body and a build-up of harmful elements in your body, which can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illnesses. If you find that you're getting sick more often than usual, it could be a sign that your liver is under strain. Remember, a healthy liver is key to a strong immune system. 

So, if you're experiencing more frequent illnesses, it might be time to give your liver some extra support.

How Can You Support Your Liver Health?

Supporting your liver health is all about balance and making healthy lifestyle choices. Here are a few examples of lifestyle changes that can support your liver:

  • Eat a balanced diet: Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can provide your liver with the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
  • Get regular exercise: Regular physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and supports your body's natural filtration process, both of which are beneficial for your liver.
  • Avoid toxins: Limiting exposure to harmful chemicals in alcohol, tobacco, cleaning products, pesticides, and personal care products can reduce the workload on your liver.
  • Stay properly hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps your liver function properly and aids in the filtration process.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Keeping a healthy weight reduces the risk of fatty liver disease, a condition that can strain your liver.
  • Limit processed foods: Processed foods can be high in sugars, unhealthy fats, and additives, which can overburden your liver.
  • Undergo regular check-ups: Regular medical check-ups can help detect any potential liver issues early, allowing for timely intervention and support.

Your Liver's SOS: Responding to the Signs

Recognizing the signs of an overworked liver is crucial as these signs are your liver's way of trying to tell you that something is wrong. It's important to respond to these signals by taking a few steps to support your liver's health.

Maintaining liver health is a holistic endeavor that will likely require a few lifestyle changes. Eating a more balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and drinking plenty of water are just a few things that you can do to offer more support for your liver


The Liver: Structure, Function, and Disease | Medical News Today

Liver Problems - Symptoms and Causes | Mayo Clinic

Energy Metabolism in the Liver | PMC

Bile Secretion | NCBI Bookshelf

Adult Jaundice: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention | Cleveland Clinic

Liver Pain: Symptoms and Causes | Medical News Today

The Digestive Process: The Liver and its Many Functions | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Hepatic Encephalopathy | PMC

Olfactory Function is Affected in Patients with Cirrhosis Depending on the Severity of Hepatic Encephalopathy | ScienceDirect

Beyond Metabolism: Role of the Immune System in Hepatic Toxicity | Sage Journals